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The ReStoration Corner

Welcome to ReStore's official blog! Here we post the latest and greatest ReStore happenings, including: DIY tips and videos, sales and contests, seasonal topics, volunteer spotlights, business donor information, and much more. 

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Person in green shirt shrugging and deciding decide whether to sell online or donate.

Selling Online vs. Donating to ReStore

It’s bound to happen – you have things in your house or garage that you don’t use anymore, and it’s time to get them out of the way. It may seem easy...

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Garage with many tools and mechanical items.

How to Clear an Entire House by Donating to ReStore

Several years ago, Dennis knew he wanted to travel more, but he had a problem. He had a lifetime accumulation of furniture, tools, artwork, and...

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People donating to ReStore.

Spring Cleaning Checklist: Donations by Room

If you're doing any spring cleaning, chances are that you'll end up finding items you no longer need. Rather than keeping unused furniture or...

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A parent and teen children sorting through boxes and items in their garage.

Spring Cleaning with ReStore in Mind

We're all looking forward to the snow melting, birds chirping, and the return of green spaces everywhere. Spring is also a time when we embark on a...

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Appliances at ReStore.

ReStore is the Place to Donate and Shop for Appliances

If you're replacing your appliances, have you thought about what to do with your old stove, fridge, and more? Well, staff at our ReStore home...

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Office desks lined up in a showroom.

 Where Can I Donate My Business Furniture in the Twin Cities?

Especially in the era of remote work and comfortable, customizable home offices, it is crucial that businesses invest in keeping their work offices...

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clean, empty garage

Fall Cleanup: Who Will Take Your Donations?

There's a chill in the air and beautiful colors on the trees: it's officially autumn in Minnesota. A change in season is always a great time for a...

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How to donate

Donation Value Guide: How Much Are Your Donation Items Actually Worth?

Planning to get rid of furniture or other household items? Donating to ReStore is a win-win situation for everyone involved.

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organize and declutter

Get Ready to Declutter and Organize

Don't let your annual summer cleaning sneak up on you. Whether you're going to dedicate an entire day to decluttering your home or garage, or you...

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Spring Cleaning: What to Toss and What to Donate

Sun shining late into the evening, warming temperatures, and melting snow can only mean one thing: spring is here. And that means it's the perfect...

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