Volunteer at ReStore
ReStore Home Improvement Outlets can't operate without help from people like you.
Sign up for a 4-hour shift to see if volunteering is right for you! ReStore outlets are open Tuesday through Saturday, with volunteer opportunities open to individuals Tuesday through Friday. You can help merchandise or display items throughout the store, receive donations, cashier, or help customers. Don't worry, we'll show you what needs to be done and then work together!
Youth Guidelines
For safety reasons, youth under the age of 14 are not allowed to volunteer at the ReStore. We require one adult leader for every group of four 14-15-year-olds volunteering at the ReStore. All adult supervisors must be 21 years or older.
Volunteers aged 16-17 do not need adult supervision but will require a parental waiver. Volunteers will be prompted to sign this waiver when signing up.
ReStore Regular Crew
Our ReStore Regular Crew is made up of volunteers that have been helping out for a while and are familiar with ReStore processes and procedures. These volunteers are able to help at the ReStore with little to no instruction needed and are vital to the success of our two locations! Saturdays are our busiest day of the week and leave little time for training new volunteers, which is why Saturdays are currently reserved exclusively for members of this crew. If you have volunteered for a few weeks at one or both of our ReStore locations and would like to be considered for a spot on the Regular Crew, speak to your store manager or email volunteer@tchabitat.org.
See how volunteers make a difference and keep the store running smoothly by watching the videos below.

Volunteer Perks
Volunteers get a 20% discount on furniture, building materials, and more (excludes red tagged items)!

Volunteers at ReStore outlets in Minneapolis, New Brighton, or both! See hours and locations >

Make a Difference
When you volunteer, you're helping Twin Cities Habitat's mission. Your work helps create, preserve, and promote homeownership!