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What Happens to Your Donation? Follow Its Journey to the Sales Floor

What Happens to Your Donation? Follow Its Journey to the Sales Floor

You might be able to guess a few steps in the journey of an item donated to ReStore. But what about those missing pieces? Follow along to discover all the possible stops a donation might take on its way to the sales floor!

Drop Off

People dropping off a donation at ReStore in Minneapolis.

If you want to donate an item, you can bring it to any ReStore location. Our wonderful volunteers and staff will help unload your donation and share everything you need to know. You can also schedule a free or priority pickup if you would prefer our donation drivers to come to you! 

Inspection and Pricing

ReStore staff sorting items.

Once our donation team receives an item, staff will determine if it needs repair, needs to be taken apart for recycling or upcycling, or if it's ready for the sales floor. Once an item is ready to find a new home, our staff carefully choose its price. Shoppers get great deals while supporting the environment and affordable homeownership!

Recycle or Upcycle

Person sorting scrap metal to recycle.

Items that are damaged or need a little touch-up before they hit the sales floor will be moved into the back. This is where we either take damaged items apart to recycle or use pieces to upcycle and bring items new life. In case you didn't know, we also recycle metals and paint in this area!


Volunteer helping a shopper with items.

This is where items go to get ready to be put on the floor! Our staff and volunteers will then take it on the floor for shoppers to browse and buy. (Don't worry, we have tools and equipment to make moving those bigger items easier!)

Sales and Impact

Two ReStore shoppers looking at a lamp.

ReStore shoppers get to browse our sales floor for the best items at the best prices. You can save even more by subscribing to Hot Deals emails or VIP texts! Plus, every purchase supports Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity’s work to create and preserve homeownership for local families.

Donations, large or small, are the lifeblood of ReStore. You can feel good about your donation as you drive away from the donation door or when the ReStore truck pulls out of your driveway. You're helping someone in our local community access affordable housing. Thank you for your generosity—and for taking the time to peek "behind the curtain" at ReStore. Your donation brings someone else joy!
— Robin Henrichsen, Director of ReStores

Now you know what happens to your items when you donate to ReStore! If you're interested in donating to our ReStore home improvement outlets, check out our donation guidelines. You can also watch the videos on our donation page. They'll walk you through both the donation pickup and drop off processes.

donate now to support our mission

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