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1 min read

DIY Garden Inspiration [VIDEO]

DIY Garden Inspiration [VIDEO]

The time between winter and spring, however long it lasts, can be hard for gardeners. If you find yourself impatient while waiting to get outside, we're here to help. Before the ground thaws, there are plenty of things you can do to prepare for the gardening season.

Jan shares her best tips at the WCCO studio for DIY Friday:

  • Have a shovel that's in good condition but a little rusty? Don't throw it away just yet! Sandpaper, WD-40, and some elbow grease can take care of that rust.
  • If your shovel or pruner is dull, use a rasp to make it sharp again.
  • Use shims to fix loose handles and sandpaper and oil for rough handles.
  • Clean your pots, planters, tomato cages, and bird feeders to get rid of harmful fungus.

Jan demonstrates that you don't need to get rid of something just because it's rusty or old. In fact, some items have a lot of use left. But if you do find yourself in need of some new tools, stop by ReStore to see what you can find (and if you have tools you don't need, consider donating). Our team is here to share ideas and inspiration as we look forward to getting back in the garden. Before you visit, sign up for Hot Deals to get the latest deals!

Watch Jan at the WCCO Studio:


Take a look at more DIY videos from Jan!

From sprucing up your yard with planters to adding lighting to your garden, Jan shares creative, simple ideas for making the most of the warmer months. Check out our DIY Friday page for more inspiration.

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