Operation Warm provides brand-new winter coats to children in the Minneapolis St. Paul area. One in five children live in poverty in our community and providing a warm coat helps families dedicate more of their resources to essentials such as food, housing, and utility expenses like heat and water. In addition to the many exhibitors, displays and events during the Minneapolis Holiday Boutique, you can also provide support by purchasing wreaths from Twin Cities Firefighters. Wreaths will be displayed on donated doors decorated by Cris, a ReStore Volunteer and designer.
ReStore Volunteers (left to right): Janet, Stephanie and Chris
As you can imagine, a ReStore themed holiday tree takes advantage of just about everything in the store. Small tools become painted ornaments, crystals from a chandelier become a sparking garland and why not a hard had for a tree topper! Regular volunteer Janet, recruited some co-workers from Wells Fargo to make it all happen. They spent several hours decorating and will deliver the tree to the Holiday Boutique for a silent auction. Check out the Twin Cities Habitat ReStore tree and pay close attention to the decorations... there are $100 worth of ReStore punch cards that have been placed as decorations!
Thank you to all who volunteered and donated to Operation Warm, as well as Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity ReStore! Every child deserves to be warm and everyone deserves affordable housing.